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Chef Aubie  originally from Bathurst &

can't wait to bring everything he has learned about food during his travels back to the East Coast.

Chef/ Owner Joel Aubie is passionate about cooking, he even has an herb tattoo on his arm that represents the flavors he puts into his risotto (you can spot this also on the side of his food truck).  Joel began to cook at a small French restaurant (Chez Luc)during high school. When the time came for Joel to decide on a career path, his dad offered to pay for either  one year of university or culinary school. Joel chose culinary school without hesitation. After graduation, he made his way across Canada, working at restaurants in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, and on the Niagara peninsula.  Upon arriving in Tofino, he discovered his love for surfing while working at the Wickaninnish Inn.  Food has allowed Joel to have great adventures, from vacations at food destinations to cooking on tall ships in the Caribbean. Joel Aubie is a Bathurst native and has moved from a Tofino BC to bring everything he has learned about food back to the East Coast and cant wait to cook for everyone in his home town. 

© 2013 by Jobie's Mobile Kitchen. No animals were harmed in the making of this site. GiGi & chula approved. 

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